Friday, August 14, 2009

Do you trust Obama with Your Life?

Will you trust your life — or the life of your loved ones — to President Obama? This is the same guy, who as an obscure State Senator in Illinois opposed Born Alive legislation. He was opposed to giving life-saving medical treatment to premature infants who survived an abortion procedure. He was afraid it would undermine the legality of abortion. He was worried about legal technicalities — that was more important to him than the life of a child.

Even abortion proponents have — until now — believed that the child is a child after it’s born. But not then State Senator Obama.

Now he’s President of the United States, and he wants us to trust him. Why should we? President Obama was in favor of “end of life” discussions at the very beginning of life. Why should anyone suppose that he has changed? Yet he thinks we’ll believe him when he scoffs at the idea of rationing, of death panels, of euthanasia, of European-style medical socialism (they love him in Europe, so we’re told). Misinformation, he says.

Misinformation? He said he was in favor of a “single payer system” back when no one was looking. He said that Born Alive legislation might “die” in a Constitutional challenge. He was afraid of the legislation dying, but the children dying didn’t bother him at all. Read the transcript. It’s there for anyone to inspect.

Democrats think you don’t get it. They think you’re not paying attention. They think if they say you’re “unpatriotic” that you’ll back down.
They think they can shove legislation down your throat, and that’s there’s nothing you can do about it.

But you can do something. Let them know, that next election, they’re through.
Vote them out. Get legislation that Americans really want.

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