Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Obama to propagandize school children on Sept 8?

There's a rumor going around the internet that Obama will address school children on September 8. Lesson plans provided ostensibly by the Department of Education are appearing on websites and blog sites and being reported at Hannity and Drudge.

I can hardly believe this is true -- which is why I'm characterizing it as a rumor at this point. Of course I couldn't believe the spy-on-your-neighbors at flag@whitehouse.gov either which -- as all those of us who are paying attention know -- was reall!

Should parents boycott school on September 8th -- maybe kids could have a case of the Swine flu that miraculously goes away on September 9th? Thoughts, fellow parents? Or should our kids attend school and go along and come home and give us the skinny on what the school did?

I would love to hear from others. What are your plans?

The democrats must be incredibly insecure about their governance to stoop this low. It looks so much like the tactics of Communist China under Mao (the leader that Bill Ayers, who is only just so casually acquainted with Obama, hardly knows him at all, notwithstanding all the years they served together on a board during which time they hardly noticed each other, nor their living in the same RICH Hyde Park neighborhood, nor Obama's staging the debut of his campaign in the Ayers's living room) -- as I was saying -- Mao was Bill Ayers's special hero. And Ayers is very influential in "education" circles.

But I'm sure it's just a coincidence.

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