A certain "Craig" left a sour comment at Holycoast ("NBC Blames GOP for Van Jones' Idiocy") amenting the resignation of Obama Maoist, Van Jones. This was my reply:
Has Craig hitched his comment at the wrong post? What the Sam hill is he talking about?
Craig thinks that Dems have a real majority? as in they could win an election today? Must be playing lullabies on the guitar.
Are we guilty of something again? Not having "changed at all." You can tell Craig's getting his news from the state run medias.
These weirdo pals of our Crony in Chief are no accident. This is the warp and weft of the Obama administration, and half the people in the US still don't know it. We who know it can hardly believe it! I never ever thought the Dems were this weird. Never.
Also, listen to Craig's tone. The bitterness. Amazing! His guy won. His party's in power. We lost, didn't we Rick? Did I miss something? I think our guy lost ... I'm pretty sure. Why are we so buoyant! Why are we so fired up? Why do I feel more than ever as though we are living through a defining moment in history -- an echo of the American Revolution? That we are reconnecting with the whole notion of what liberty is, and rediscovering the true dignity of man, the sense of individual people holding the creative power of society.
Goodness, I am filled with optimism with each passing day -- these Tea Parties inspire me! Ordinary citizens standing up in city after city saying Enough! We want our schools back. We want the elected officials doing the work we sent them to do -- not dictating to us.I don't want, don't need, this intrusive greasy smarmy phoney balogny president "giving" me anything. I manage my own life, and I do it honestly -- which is a darn sight more than we can say about him.
You, my neighbors afar off, how I admire you!
When I think that all over this country there are others like you! God, I am so proud.The charlatan in chief. Good democrats, good people, had the wool pulled over their eyes. My dear friends -- most my friends are Dems -- they don't know about all this corruption. The newspapers they read are lying to them. Conservative sources are "uncool" and taboo.
But gradually the smoke of Obama's magic act dissipates, and people begin to see what a fake he is -- him and his creepy friends. And good Democrats will turn their backs on this guy. He cheated them more than he cheated us. Fifty nine million people voted for McCain. Obama won by a large margin at 69 million. In contrast George Bush beat Kerry with 62 million votes (to 59 million). McCain lost the Bush conservatives and yet still 59 million people voted for him. In 2000 neither candidate got anywhere close to 59 million. People are more motivated. But they were lied to.
Rush Limbaugh on his best days has 20 million listeners (13 on the routine days). People are paying attention now. Look at the NYtimes best sellers, and it's dominated by conservative books. Who are the nations readers? Democrats?
And all this is wonderful news for this country. If Obama manages to do it, and tanks this country that his lefties hate so vehemently, tell me which demographic will build it back up again?
What part of this society possesses true grit?
Which people will be putting their back to the plow? The ninnies? The victims? The "give me" crowd? Provide my health care, give me money for a car, put me through college ... those people? Who wants to be captains of their own destiny? The Dems? Keep strummin' Craig, but we'll not be singing your song.
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