I'm reading the school speech now --it's funny how different it sounds when you know the behind-the-scenes stuff on this guy.
"You'll need the knowldege and problem-solving skills you learn in science and math to cure diseases like cancer and AIDS...."
Or not, once Ezekiel Emanuel's rationing eliminates whole groups of hard-to-treat illnesses from the "health care" menu.
"You'll need the insights and critical thinking skills you gain in history and social studies to fight poverty and homelessness, crime and discrimination, and make our nation more fair and more free."
And these same "skills" that students gain from the modern version of "history" will no doubt aid you in not realizing that the nation's news media are not covering all kinds of embarrassing actions of a certain modern president.
"...[I]f you quit on school, you're not just quitting on yourself, you're quitting on your country."
How will we be able to indoctrinate you in a whole bunch of left-wing propaganda if you absent yourself from our liberals-only-need-apply schools?!
"My father left my family when I was two years old."
And that's why I wrote a "Father's Day" piece for Parade Magazine urging the nation's dads not to be dead-beats. Yeah, nobody told me that Father's Day was designed to CELEBRATE fathers. I just figure that my life is the template of all lives. My dad was a jerk, so yours must be too!
"You'll need the knowldege and problem-solving skills you learn in science and math to cure diseases like cancer and AIDS...."
Or not, once Ezekiel Emanuel's rationing eliminates whole groups of hard-to-treat illnesses from the "health care" menu.
"You'll need the insights and critical thinking skills you gain in history and social studies to fight poverty and homelessness, crime and discrimination, and make our nation more fair and more free."
And these same "skills" that students gain from the modern version of "history" will no doubt aid you in not realizing that the nation's news media are not covering all kinds of embarrassing actions of a certain modern president.
"...[I]f you quit on school, you're not just quitting on yourself, you're quitting on your country."
How will we be able to indoctrinate you in a whole bunch of left-wing propaganda if you absent yourself from our liberals-only-need-apply schools?!
"My father left my family when I was two years old."
And that's why I wrote a "Father's Day" piece for Parade Magazine urging the nation's dads not to be dead-beats. Yeah, nobody told me that Father's Day was designed to CELEBRATE fathers. I just figure that my life is the template of all lives. My dad was a jerk, so yours must be too!
"My wife, First Lady Michelle Obama ...."
My wife, Her Majesty the Queen ....
"Maybe some of you don't have adults in your life who give you the support you need."
As I said, I covered this topic in a Parade Magazine article for Father's Day.
"If you get in trouble it doesn't mean you're a trouble maker....
Maybe you're just getting ready to found a terrorist organization! You too might host the debut of a communist presidential hopeful in your rich man's living room after a long successful career in education!
"No one is born being good at things ...."
Look at me, I'm still not good for anything, and I'm president!
"Don't be afraid to ask questions ...."
Just don't embarrass me getting me off my game, getting me talking about "spreading the wealth around...." None of you kids are thinking of being plumbers when you grow up, I hope ....
"So, don't let us down."
Dutifully execute every embedded command in this speech of mine -- or I might have to frown and get stern!
"[A]nd God Bless America"
For those of you stupid enough to believe in God. Cause American just sucks.
My wife, Her Majesty the Queen ....
"Maybe some of you don't have adults in your life who give you the support you need."
As I said, I covered this topic in a Parade Magazine article for Father's Day.
"If you get in trouble it doesn't mean you're a trouble maker....
Maybe you're just getting ready to found a terrorist organization! You too might host the debut of a communist presidential hopeful in your rich man's living room after a long successful career in education!
"No one is born being good at things ...."
Look at me, I'm still not good for anything, and I'm president!
"Don't be afraid to ask questions ...."
Just don't embarrass me getting me off my game, getting me talking about "spreading the wealth around...." None of you kids are thinking of being plumbers when you grow up, I hope ....
"So, don't let us down."
Dutifully execute every embedded command in this speech of mine -- or I might have to frown and get stern!
"[A]nd God Bless America"
For those of you stupid enough to believe in God. Cause American just sucks.
1 comment:
You're an intellectual coward, Lew
Well, if you're doing your homework, why don't you read up on your shirted hero, Ronald Reagan.
Who did he bring us?
The clowns at the Education Department (run by Terrell Bell) who talked about Martin Lucifer Coon.
Jeane Kirkpatrick, who condoned the rape and murders of nuns.
Alexander Haig, who lied and joked about the rapes and murders.
Ernest Lefever, who condoned the murder of those religious people who worked with the poor in Central America.
And then in Aug 1982, Reagan has his envoy to the Middle East, Phillip Habib, promise the PLO that if they left Beirut, the US would guarantee the safety of the Palestinian civilians left behind.
A month later, the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) financed and trained by the US, let loose their Lebanese allies, the Phalange, in the Palestinian refugee camps (Sabra and Shatila) They massacred 2,000 civilians.
Did ann ever decry this?
Would ann ever decry this?
Only if you switched the name Obama with Reagan.
Otherwise, the end justifies the means in ann's world.
She probably rationalizes Reagan's pledge to the pro-life forces, gathered in Lafayette park on the subzero day in January 1985.
From the warmth of the White House Reagan said:
"I stand with you in your opposition to abortion."
Had Reagan pursued abortion as fervently as he pursued the Soviet Union, it would be illegal now. We would not see 90% of fetuses diagnosed with Down's Syndrome aborted.
But he didn't. He was weak, or he didn't care.
Rick writes Guaranteed to make you think, make you laugh, or make you mad. I'm happy with any of the three.
And I do all three when I read holycoast.
You do neither ann.
You read like a grouch, but not a funny one like Oscar. As I wrote before, your husband is a saint if you talk to him the way you write here and on your blog.
I don't know, maybe your manic/depressive.
Cindy Sheehan has an excuse for her behaviour.
Her son died in a war of dubious origins, and his mission was mocked by his commander-in-chief.
What's your, eye-patch?
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